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Showing posts from March, 2022

Let’s Pull Some Cards! WWE Topps Finest 2021

This is it! The final WWE product from Topps! I’m excited about seeing new stuff from Panini but not super optimistic about prices and retail availability. Time will tell what we’re in for, but for now I just want to enjoy the end of the Topps era! Also, if you follow my instagram for the blog (@ lethalcollects ) you already may have saw these on Wednesday! Now that my cheap plug for the instagram is out there, onto the cards! Base: Rookies: Refractors/Inserts: /50 Jey Uso: Not a bad rip at all! For more, check out  this archive  or all my pack & box  breaks

Let’s Pull Some Cards! Topps Opening Day 2022 (Retail Blaster)

Fun fact! When I first got back into the hobby, a blaster of Topps Opening Day 2019 was the first thing I bought! I think opening day is a fun series (I’m a sucker for mascot cards!) and a solid bang for your buck. Base: Rookies: Mascots: Inserts & Variants: Another Wander Franco for the collection! Hell yeah! For more, check out  this archive  or all my pack & box  breaks

Let’s Pull Some Cards! Topps Baseball 2022 Series 1 (Retail Blaster)

After ripping two hangers and doing a Phillies break, I decided “one more rip then we’re done here!” I grabbed a blaster online, and as usual with the base series it’s pretty good bang for your buck to fill out a collection. Base Cards: Inserts & Variants: Rookies: Medallion Relic: Finally got a Wander Franco!  For more, check out  this archive  or all my pack & box  breaks !